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株式会社 Habitto



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金融をファッションと同じくらい身近にしたい! Habittoが原宿キャットストリートに新オフィスをオープン

Habitto believes finance needs to move closer to younger people and takes new office in the fashion district

国内最高水準の0.3%という年利 (税引前・上限100万円)を提供するデジタルバンクHabittoは、2023年6月13日にアプリをリリースし、ダウンロード数12,000以上、新しくお客さまからお預かりした預金は1億3,000万円を超えました。金融商品を若い世代にとってもっと魅力的で身近なものにするために、Habittoは裏原宿・キャットストリートに新しいオフィスをオープンしました。

リアム・マカンス (共同創業者 兼 CCO (Chief Creative Officer))は、以下のように移転の意図をコメントしています。



また、サマンサ・ギオッティ (共同創業者 兼 CEO)も、以下のようにコメントしています。









Habitto新オフィスの設計と施工: Node Design Consultants ( 


28th July 2023 - Habitto the digital bank offering a market-leading savings rate of 0.3% launched its app on June 13 2023 has already seen over 12,000 downloads and over ¥130 million in new deposits. But the brand still believes it needs to do more to make financial products appealing and accessible to the younger generation.  With this goal in mind, Habitto has opened its new office in the fashion district of Cat Street Uruhara.

‘It might not seem an obvious choice for a financial business to have its office in one of the world's most popular fashion districts but we didn’t just want a workspace for our team but a space that reflected our mission and values’ Liam McCance Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer. ‘This mission is to simplify financial products, make finance more accessible and to be more transparent. So instead of being hidden away in a high-rise office tower in the financial district, we wanted to be closer to our customers in an area where they are spending their hard-earned savings. This office is designed to make our brand accessible to our target audience and remind these potential customers that they can also achieve financial freedom with access to the right products and financial advice.’ Liam McCance

‘Despite being a mobile-first finance brand, we still believe that it’s essential to connect with customers at ground level and with a human approach. Trust in financial brands is built over time through many positive customer experiences both mobile and face-to-face.’ Samantha Ghiotti Co-Founder & CEO

  • Habitto’s new office is located at street level Jingumae, 3−19−7, Shibuya Ku, Tokyo, Japan

  • Habitto’s office was designed and fit out by Node Design Consultants

  • Download Habitto App from here.